On one side, those who defend the environment in favor of the preservation of one of the areas of greatest marine biodiversity. On the other, oil companies and politicians willing to drill in the area in search of oil wells for the economic development of the region.
This is the scenario around the basin of the Mouth of the Amazon. Located off the coast of the state of Amapá, the region is part of the Equatorial Margin, which extends from Oiapoque to Rio Grande do Norte. It is estimated that the area has a reserve of over 30 billion barrels.
In May, the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) denied a request made by Petrobras to drill a well located 175km off the coast of Amapá. According to the Institute, the report handed in by the company did not contain enough information to guarantee safety against environmental risks. A study called “Sedimentary Area Environmental Study” (Aaas), which would have analyzed possible impacts due to the exploration of oil and natural gas, was missing.
Who defends the exploration
This attitude led to criticism not only from Petrobras, but also from regional politicians, who are in favor of oil extraction, stating that the project would help economic development in the region. Those who defend it use as a basis for comparison the cases of countries such as Guyana and Suriname, where the economy has grown a lot in recent years due to the exploration of oil.
In the Federal Senate, the Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, stated that “it is inadmissible” that Brazil may not get to know its oil potential.
Sources: Estadão, UN and Valor Econômico.